Friday, May 02, 2008


Well, I got all the bushes and flowers in. It was a LOT of hard work. As you may notice in the picture... I dug out a lot of the old dirt and bark dust... then put down a weed mat, then put 6 inches of lots of good soil, vermiculite, peet moss, and compost. Oh, I also dug the huge holes for the bushes and put those in. So, after about 12 hours of working on the garden area- I think it's going to turn out! The GREAT thing about it is that I will have little to no weeding because of the weed mat. Yes, it was A LOT of extra work doing it this way, but it will save me TONS of time later since I will never need to till the dirt, or weed. It's great! So- I will take pictures later in the year when the flowers are grown and look pretty. Right now they are itty bitty!

o- I realized I never did update everyone on the San Diego job offer. We turned them down and they had no return offer, so as of now, we are NOT moving. YESS! I really don't like moving. It's not easy and fun for me. We are still trying to figure out where Brett will work permenantly. So... he's on the job hunt. He has work until December and he has a couple other job offers. We'll just have to wait and see which ones work out best.

e will be out in Oregon in June for Emmas wedding. She gets married Saturday June 28th, and we will be staying from the Tuesday before to the Wedenesday after. So- plan on us!!

f you're wondering about any other updates.. let me know, I can't think of anything else!


Karen K. said...

1) I'm glad you're staying in Utah. 2) Are your plants still alive and not frozen? 3)Did Brett hear back from any of his recent interviews? 4) Is Olivia still saying "chhhh" and the semi-swear word I taught her? 5)I am super excited that you are coming for Emma's wedding and 6) I MISS YOU GUYS! Love, Ma

Sarah Peterson said...

For MA:
1) me too 2)yes, they look fine now 3)yes, 1 of them but they said they found someone else 4)No, Olivia has stopped saying chh and has not said the bad word since 5)we are excited too! 6) We miss you too!

Aika said...

Wow!! Good job on the gardening. You are my hero... I need to do that for our front and backyard as well. The more that I think about it the less I want to do it. :)

Aika said...

Wow!! Good job on the gardening. You are my hero... I need to do that for our front and backyard as well. The more that I think about it the less I want to do it. :)

nettie said...

1. what plants did you plant?
2. what semi-swear word did your mom teach olivia?

#2 reminded me of this phase that Morgan was going through...using her middle finger to point. One time Jeff was getting after her to go to bed or something, and she was being really sassy, and then gave Jeff the double handed "flip-off". He asked her what she was doing and she answered, "just pointing at you". We still get a kick out of it, but sometimes it totally takes you by surprise.

Egghead said...

Your plants look good and it was so great that your mom helped you. Oh and Livie too. Swear word. Ha ha! Little ears pick up everything.

Cecilia said...

Wow, that was some serious hard work. I don't think I'm that talented! Good job Girl!
I'm glad you guys are not going to San Diego. Tell Brett to call James, because they might be hiring.
P.S. Did you get my message about coming over tomorrow around 2:30 or 3:00????

Sarah Peterson said...

the infamous word Livie was taught by Grandma (not to say that I don't say it a lot myself...) was CRAP! She was running around shouting it for quite some time. She thought it was hilarious. I guess she knew it was funny since I laughed when she repeated it. She has not said it since she heard it last though, and hopefully that's the WORST word she will ever repeat!

Karen K. said...

Excuse me, but what Livie actually voiced was "CWAP" ... I'm not sure WHERE she learned it, for that is not what I said. I merely said "crap" -- not the same word at all. Anyway, after contemplating the entire situation, I determined that it is not a particularly pretty, nice, lovely, or virutous word. It is, actually, a pretty nasty one when one actually thinks about it. I will attempt to be more careful around Miss Olivia. :) :) ;)

Karen K. said...

Did you finish your Hinckley Challenge? I just finished 4th Nephi this morning. Which, of course, didn't take long as there is only one chapter!

Natalie said...

Your yard really is looking great! Way to go. It will be even more fabulous in about a month when all the flowers get bigger. Aren't flowers wonderful! They make me happy!