Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sea Worlds Dolphins

Sea World Dolphin Show from Sarisker on Vimeo.

We thought the dolphins at Sea World were pretty cool. Olivia really like the show. Don't you just love her little dance and clapping!? Ah, she's growing up on us... time for another one! (no, that is not an announcement!)


Cecilia said...

How cute!!!I love her little dance!!! I don't know if you know but dolphins are my favorite animals!!! I just love everyhing about them...I can't wait to go to Sea World!
P.S. Is everything still good for friday at 12:30????

Karen K. said...

She IS growing up so fast. She's got that clapping down and I love the dance. I can tell she really liked the dolphins. It looked like a fun show...I wanted the video to go on!

Anonymous said...

Oh she does look so grown up, especially from the back. Somehow when I see her face I don't think she looks quite so old. Emma would be so jealous. Her favorite creatures right now are dolphins. Looks like you all had fun times. Happy Birthday a bit late.

Kelli said...

What a cool show, I would love to go to Sea World! She really is starting to look older now, it's sad when they start to grow out of their baby stage. But she still looks little too! What a fun trip!

Alisha said...

the dolphin show was so good. jeff and i thought they were amazing when we went.
olivias excitment was way better though.

Valerie said...

I love to see Olivia so excited. I felt the same way too! Sea World is one of the greatest places!

Karen K. said...

Dance Livie Dance!


I love how excited she got, moving all around and clapping! That's so cute! Ok- I read your comment on jessica's post, you said you got a swimsuit custom made. OK- so did you get a swim suit, tankini, what exactly and what does it look like? How did you do that? is this a company or someone you know? I want to see a picture. That is so cool! how much did it cost?

Jill said...

Stinkin' little cutie pie!