Friday, April 06, 2007

The Love of Paper

Livie LOVES to eat paper

And HATES it when I take it away so she won't swallow it

she's getting VERY close to crawling... she needs to work on her arm strength though!

mostly, she just wants to play- no work!


Karen K. said...

Those pics are ADORABLE! She is changing so much. I just want to hold her so so so so so much. I laughed and laughed over the paper in the mouth thing.

Anonymous said...

This Christmas will be the one where you can wrap things she already owns. She'll care more about the wrapping paper, bows and boxes. Take advantage of this because it doesn't work for long!!

Alisha said...

i love these pictures. how funny about the paper! here bows are so cute. is that an exersaucer? we've been thinking about getting one.

Lindsay Marchant said...

Sarah, I have a quick question. Did Tracey and Dave move to Arizona again?? Or have they not updated their page??

Sarah Peterson said...

yes, they did move back Linds

Mom and Dad Pete said...

How adorable! I thought all babies ate paper and stuck their tongues out!

Kristen P. said...

What is it with kids and paper? I think it's the crinkling sound. Sam used to do the same thing at that age. Funny!

AND Olivia is so dang cute! I can't wait to meet her someday!!! I can hardly stand it.