Monday, July 24, 2006

My 9 Month Tummy

Well, this picture is for you Ma.. You're always wanting pictures. (the funny thing is I found myself wanting to suck in when I took it..hahaha, as if it would make me look better!)Brett wasn't here to take one, so I took one myself! The baby is due exactly one month from yesterday (the 23rd) So, technically she could come ANY time now and be just fine! Which I wouldn't mind since she is making me very sore. She gets the hiccups about 3 times a day. You wonder how I know.. Well if she was in your stomache you would know too. They last for about 5 minutes and it's in perfect consistant hiccup pattern ( I read that you could feel them, so that's the only real thing that would make sence.. unless she's got amazing rythem and can kick me in rythem) Anyways, it's fun.. but I'm ready for new things!