Monday, May 20, 2013

Feeling shallow

As I read back on blog posts, I realize I seem a bit shallow and like I don't have much to say. I have so much on my mind and am thinking so deeply most of the time that when it comes to blogging I just want to keep it simple and positive. Things in general have just really been bringing me down lately. I feel like there is so much sadness and evil and bad things going on I can hardly take it. I am trying to remember my life is so incredibly blessed and I don't need to feel the sadness, but I do. It is not only the crazy evil that scares me, but the every day things that just get me down. I have known of multiple babies die and some miscarriages that have happened recently. It upsets me too much to imagine it happening to me. And then I hate that the people I love the most I get mad at often and frustrated with them. I want to be perfectly loving to my family, and I'm not. It is so frustrating that i can't just be nice and patient all the time!  Poor Brett sees the worst of me every day. By dinner time I have usually just had it and have a hard time being happy. The little things make me look like a crazy lady and it is all brett sees of me with the girls. I promise most of the day I am nice and loving ;)  anyway, I think too much.


Karen K. said...

1) Your blog is not shallow. It is a happy place and I know a lot of people like to read it because it's uplifting and has beautiful photography not to mention some of the cutest, greatest, most wonderful children in the world.
2) You are not shallow. You have, quite often, stated your opinions on things of importance--if not on your blog, on Facebook.
3) I think it's perfectly normal to think 'too much'--tho I probably think that cuz it's likely you come by it quite honestly ;) While I envy many of those who seem to not worry about much of anything there are downsides to that also. We can discuss that sometime on the phone or in person cuz I'd most likely offend someone...
4) Family always sees the worst of us. It makes sense because technically they can't get rid of us as easily as others but on the other hand it is definitely something to really, truly work on improving and it is a constant struggle for a whole lot of us I'll bet.
4)Blah, blah, blah, blah... I am rambling and most of what I'm thinking is too personal to write. Call me when you have a chance.
5) I love you and I have faith in you. You are an amazing mom and wife. You work hard and you have pretty darned amazing kids who treat others well and are extremely happy, well-adjusted little girls (even behind that near scowl of Emma's ;). Those things don't 'just happen'--it takes work and effort and lots of love. You're giving that and a whole lot more to them and it shows.
and finally, 6) By dinnertime you need a BREAK! Think about it... when do you really get one?

Britta said...

I hear ya! I know the feeling o being overwhelmed by sadness and evil. Remember this post? There's a lot of things to fear in the world.

But on the other hand, the Savior knows what is out there. There is a bigger plan and he is looking out for you. Do what you can and you will be doing just fine.

Our Stake President in a meeting last week asked us to share the concerns of our hearts. I said I worry about my competency as a mother. I can tell that you deal with some of the same concerns as me, but yours are probably magnified with one more child than me and another one on the way. As he continued to instruct us, he talked a lot about the temple. Go to the temple and bring your concerns to the Lord. Have a conversation with him there, and let him lift your burdens. He will do it, and he will make up for what you feel you lack. That is the message I got, and that's what I want to share with you. Hang in there. We're all cheering for beautiful Sarah and her adorable family. You're awesome.

Emily D said...

Sarah, I definitely don't think your blog is shallow; it's nice to read a happy simple blog! I love it and check it often.

I too have felt the sadness and evil in the world and I hope we won't have to endure it TOO much longer! I can't imagine how bad it has to get before the 2nd coming.

I also think emotions and attitudes and our moods are magnified when we are pregnant, so when you get down on yourself, just remind yourself that you are pregnant and sometime the hormones get the best of us. Just keep trekking.

Love you!

Jamie said...

Sarah-I think you are an incredible mom! Seriously.

Though I totally know what you mean about dinner time. I totally feel the same way-poor caleb comes home to an honery, tired, grump!