Monday, October 29, 2012

school pic 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My blog stinks

How is it that others have the same thing going on in their lives, and their blog is awesome, and mine, well, it's a work in progress. I wish I had the creativity to present things more interesting! Liv has been losing her teeth- well, I would have posted a blog with some boring pictures of a girl with missing teeth. While over HERE her daughter has the same thing going on- yet- it is totally awesome and fun to read and look at. Sigh... I think I need to just copy and paste ;)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Little Miss Claire intrigues me. Ever since she was about 18 months she has been putting things in order and organizing her toys. They always have an order. Sometimes it is biggest to smallest, sometimes they are grouped according to species, and sometimes sorted by color. I wonder what this says about her. Is she mathematically inclined? Will she have OCD? Or maybe she just likes things in order and in its place like her mom ;) All these pictures were taken the same day. If Claire has played with it- you can bet they are left "just so" and she will be mad if you move them!
When I was taking pictures of the animals on the stairs- Claire was watching, so I said: "Say Cheese!"
Claire gets a funny look and says "Mom, they don't talk!"

Monday, October 15, 2012

"I don't love kisses!"

Claire has a thing about kisses. One day about a year ago she decided she didn't love kisses, and now we are not allowed to kiss her! She still gives us kisses though, because we DO love kisses! I hate not kissing her.. but I can't go against her wishes! She has even gotten to the point where now she is saying "I don't love BIG hugs, only little hugs." Darn girl, I need to love you!!

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Claire and Liv back to back. They are so cute together. They love to play together and giggle with each other. They are always playing school. Olivia is teacher and Claire her student. Claire has actually learned quite a bit from her "sissy". The funny thing is though- when Claire tries to write her name it always looks like an "O" an "L" and some other letters. She is always just copying Liv's name ;) It is cute. Claire would love to be just like her big sis.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Em is my latest walker so far. She is 13 months and still not really a "walker". She took her first steps about a month ago. She can walk for 5-6 steps before she falls, but she mostly crawls. In the last few days she has been trying to walk instead of crawl as her primary way of getting around. Go Emma! She looks kind of bow-legged when she walks! Its so cute and funny!