Monday, June 11, 2012


This last weekend we:
1.Attemded Grandpa Petes funeral (Brett) in Arizona. He was gone for 3 full days
2.Bike rides
3.Splash Pad!
4.Ate lots of junk food (Dad was gone after all, you don't expect me to cook do you!?)
5.Missed Daddy.. especially at night when it was dark and scary!
6.planted flowers in the garden
7.went to a birthday party for Liv's friend Anna
Brett- we missed you so, and are so happy to have you home! We love you and are incredibly thankful to have you in our lives!


Karen K. said...

Pictures of those sweet, beautiful girls make me grin every time I see them. Emma is so BALD. Go figure!

I'm glad Brett's home. I know what you mean about being alone at night. That is one reason I like having Aggie. She sleeps in the bedroom next to our bed and I lock the door. I also take an Ambien so I don't hear noises! You can't do that though cuz you wouldn't hear your girls... then again, just let them all sleep with you. haha

Karen K. said...

BTW, Bald is Beautiful.