Sunday, May 24, 2009

YAY Claire!!

Claire is rolling! She can roll from her back to her belly! Interesting, I thought most babies rolled from their belly to back first! Anyway- she is SO proud of herself! She had a huge grin after she did it the first time! Good Job baby!!


Brandi said...

Congratulations baby Claire

Lora said...

Hmm now I'm curious, Elleah always rolls from her back to belly, and isn't good the other way! Way to go Claire!

Karen K. said...

That's interesting. I never even thought about which came first. Since she's generally on her back I'd say it's more likely that she'd roll to her belly. Back in the "olden days" it was probably the other way around. Whatever the case may be, no more alone couch time for Claire! Go Claire Baby!

Dawn said...

What a talented little girl!