Friday, August 08, 2008

And the winner is...

A boy?

A girl?

Now, I just know some of you are so excited to know with all the guessing going on. Unfortunately we STILL don't know! Apparently the umbilical cord was in between the babies legs. Yeah, so our very dissapointing 5 minute ultra sound had to have been the biggest let-down we've had in awhile. The Doctor seemed to have no concern that we didn't know the sex. He said "oh, don't worry we'll have another ultra-sound in about 3 visits from now." Are you KIDDING ME!? I will be 8 months prego and almost ready to have the baby... if I'm gonna wait that long I might as well do it the old fashoined way and just wait till it pops out to know! I was VERY frustrated to say the least. I think I was most upset because with our past ultra-sounds (with Olivia) they printed out pictures, showed us the hands, and took atleast 15 minutes to let us watch the baby and find out the sex. Our doctor did NONE of the above. He pretty much took measurments, and looked for the sex for a total of 20 seconds and decided he couldn't tell. I'm not sure what we're going to do now... Do we pay to do an ultra-sound at the mall? Do we just wait until it's born? I don't know... We don't even have the classic ultra-sound pictures to show. What a bummer.

p.s. The good news- the baby is alive and seems to be doing fine. Oh, and there is just ONE! It measured 3 days smaller then my due-date. (good good- hopefully that means it won't come Christmas day!)


Natalie said...

Oh Sarah... I'm so sorry! That is quite the let down! If I were you, I would definitely get another one. Ask if you can schedule another one (and soon!) or yes, go to the mall. Although its fun for some people to be surprised, I'm all about knowing. I love being prepared, for one, and I really think it helps with the bonding (just my 2 cents). Did the doctor/ultrasound tech have you get up, move around, have you wiggle your belly or anything?! Our little guys ultrasound was awesome. We were in there for at least 45 minutes and got some great pictures (maybe I shouldn't say that... don't want to make you feel bad!) I know he also does them at the Spanish Fork clinic, want his name? Let us know what you decide to do!

Lanette said...

I'm sorry! That's so frustrating! I felt frustrated that I didn't find out in this post, so I can only imagine how you feel. I would definitely go to the mall or something...

Cecilia said...

I'm sorry....after all this time waiting and you still doesn't know?!?!
I totally know how you feel, because I like to plan everything before the baby comes.
Oh yes, go to the mall or just ask them to redo it at the clinic.

Good luck!!!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry! That would be so stinkin hard to wait! I would ask the doctor about scheduling another ultrasound pix, it would probably not be covered by insurance, but may be worth it! I don't know how people can wait on purpose!

Valerie said...

I'm SO sorry Sarah!! That's what happened to us with Rachel. We had three ultrasounds and NEVER found out. Then I came to the hospital with boy clothes and sent James off to the mall as soon as she was delivered!

That's a huge bummer. Sounds like your doctor wanted to head off to lunch early or something. Is this a different doctor than you had for Olivia?

I agree. Press for a second ultrasound sooner, or go to the mall.

Jill said...

Well that sucks! I'm w/everyone else--push for another u/s or head for the mall! I had to push for another ultrasound at one point during my pregnancy for certain reasons, and just being firm (I tried not to be rude!) got me the appointment! Your dr. needs a flick in the forehead.

Rory and Tosha Sargent said...

oh man i would be so made too. hey you still havent called me back you know. i called you awhile ago in shock that when i saw on your blog that you were pregnant. glad all is well!


I just caught up on a month worth of blogs on YOUR blog. WIthout internet connection I haven't been able to blog or read others very much at all. Sarah, Olivia's hair is growing! She is so cute! I love all the pics. I love the one with her on the toilet reading a book, so funny. I'm so sorry you are in the terrible twos, wish I had some great advice for you! I am so so sorry you didnt' get to find out what the sex of your baby is! That is awful and so dissapointing, and what a waste of money! If I were you- I woudl wait and be surprised or go to the mall NOW and find out! How much woudl it be? If it's a boy do you want to do a new nursery? If so, then find out the sex. Well, I am so sorry you didn't get to find out or get pics, you shoudl be able to go in a get in done againf or free! I love you. I hope you are doing well and happy- you shoudl take a pic of your self and your progress so far. Oh- and your memory blog- great idea- here is my memory to share- when we were on a bus in provo, probably going to the mall- and half way on the bus ride I said, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I forgot to tell you this! I can't believe it!" and you say what?! and I say, "Betty made out with ****" (I can't remember his name! what is it? he had red hair) and we all screamed, and everyone in the bus looked at us like there was a gun shot- and we just couldn't stop screaming and laughing- that just makes me laugh thinking about it. I love it. I love you!

Brandi said...

Sarah, that sucks. I've always had like a half hour ultrasound. We got to take in a videotape and everything. I'll bet it is a girl if it wasn't easily seen, but who knows. You will be happy either way, just go to the hospital with 2 names picked out. One question, what kind of mall just lets you pay for an ultrasound? That's way cool.

Alisha said...

although it would be fun to be surprised. push for another one sooner.

Dawn said...

What a bummer! One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is the ultrasound and the pictures. How frustrating. I had to know what Nojah was when I was pregnant but then decided to have Lex be a surprise despite 7 ultrasounds due to complications, Anyway, If I did it again (which I am not planning by the way) I would not find out. It was so much fun having them tell me at the time of delivery, It's a girl and hand her to me. If you have the basics, which you already do and some neutral starter clothes you will be good to go, I had no problems shopping for Alexyss after she was born:0) Good luck, hopefully you can get another US, where they will take a little more time and get some pics.

Aika said...

or you can be like Tom Cruise and buy your ultrasound machine... :) Yeah, that is kind of frustrating... I don't know what I would do. I probably would be tempted to go and pay for a ultrasound.


Argh! How frustrating!! I know our insurance only covers one ultrasound (unless the doctor calls for another one) so I would be pretty upset to know my one shot had been 'wasted'! I think I'd have to get another one - waiting for D-day is too long!

Jenn Southworth
(from your parents' ward)