Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Emma 6 month stats

Weight: 15.5 lbs. (38%)
Height: 25.5" (33%) 
Head Circumference: 16.5"(41%)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gramma K Visits

Emma Eating

Emma is now 6 months! I have tried giving her some solids. She is not fond of eating quite yet! She will only try things from my finger. If I put it on the spoon she refuses to even try it! Funny girl. The Dr said to not worry and she will eat when she is ready, so I won't push it. Maybe Em will be my first to have trouble eating? The other girls are super eaters, so we shall see!

Friday, February 17, 2012


We have finally put the girls in a class! We went back and forth deciding if we wanted to do a dance class, ballet class, or gymnastics. We finally settled on Gymnastics. The girls LOVE it! Olivia is so excited to go every week. It is great to watch her. She is so determined and never gives up on anything! She truly loves doing it! Claire is really catching on too. The first time she cried and wouldn't do most things and now (4 weeks in) she does it all! She even jumped into the foam pit from a tower that is about 12 ft. high! CRRRAZY! Seriously, I think I would even get a big adrenaline rush jumping from that thing! I would love gymnastics even more if it weren't costing us an arm and a leg. It is freaking expensive, but worth it for now since the girls love it so much. Good thing Emma is too small to know, because we can't afford 3 in gymnastics!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


This is not the best picture of cousins Emma and Henry, but whatever! Henry and Emma were born only 2 weeks apart. We love having Grace and Henry so close to play with. Too bad Scott will be taking his family to Michigan soon to finish up school to become an ophthalmologist. We are happy for them. Hopefully they come back to Utah when they are done in Michigan ;)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day


Will you be my valentine?

I love you,


Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sweet Notes

 This is a note I found next to Claires bed one day. It is just too sweet to not share. It reads:
I love you Claire
And I like your bed
This is from Olivia
This is a note Liv wrote to the family today. It reads:
I love my family!
And I like my mom! 
And we love eachother and we have fun!
And we love our baby.
And have fun!
We have fun! 
I love you family!
Happy Valentines!

I thought that was so cute! I like how she wrote that we have fun 3 times! She is too sweet! She is getting soo smart too! She wrote these and many other notes all by herself! She is really getting good about spelling and punctuation! Go Livvy!


Claire has been potty training all week. The last few days she has finally taken to it! FINALLY!! It has been a long road just trying to get her to recognize her body signals. She had many days of trying here and there with absolutely so success. No pees or poos in the potty.  She finally gets it now though!! Oh yeah!
And Claire- I know some day you will be embarrassed that your buns were posted on the internet... but it's how you have ran around the last week. We've seen those buns a little too much lately! They sure are CUTE though!!